Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Friday, Have a Skull!

A bit of art/jewelry I finished crafting. 


I found the partial skull while on a walk - rather unusual for a surburban area. When I've lived more in the weeds and wilds, discoveries like this were much more common. It was already very clean, but I bleached it mildly just to make sure of its cleanliness, got out my paints, gold leafing pen, beads and etc. and here you go. The shell on the crainium is polished freshwater mussel shell (personally polished - I used to gather mussel shells at one of the creeks in my area and polish them to make jewlery out of them, I broke a few up for mosaic-purposes).  

As I said on my Deviant Art page, if anyone is interested in owning this, make an offer.  By the way, it still has teeth. I am unsure on the species, but guessing by its size, I think it was a young groundhog.

I have so much of this kind of stuff to show off. I suppose if I get an actual readership - should I make Friday "Skull Day" on the blog?

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